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Sick, injured and orphaned wildlife will be extremely stressed, in shock, cold, dehydrated and in pain if injured. Any native animal that can be approached and picked up needs help. The animal needs to be caught, contained, given warmth and placed in a quiet darkened area.  It then needs to be taken to a licensed wildlife carer, a DBCA Wildlife Officer or a veterinarian as soon as possible.  Members of the public can take wildlife to any vet free of charge.   A native animal must be passed on to one of the above people within 72 hours of finding it (Biodiversity and Conservation Act 2016).

If you are unsure if the animal is injured or are not able to catch it, please don't hesitate to call us and we can provide advice or attend.


CONTAINMENT Always put your health and safety first, be mindful of traffic, put on glasses to protect your eyes, avoid getting bitten or scratched etc. Place a towel, blanket, jumper etc over the animal, pick up and wrap animal in the cloth item. Place animal in a box/container and secure so to prevent the animal escaping while driving. To allow the animal some grip, line the bottom with a thick cloth or towel without loose threads which could entangle claws. 


PROVIDE WARMTH, DARKNESS AND QUIET Due to shock, the animal will be cold.  Place a warm hot water bottle or heat pack wrapped in a towel in the box/container and keep box out of wind, drafts and sun (overheating). If there is light entering the container or container is clear, place towel etc over it to provide more cover to minimize stress to animal. Place container in a quiet area, away from children, pets, TVs, radio.


NO FOOD, NO WATER! Native animals have highly specialised diets that differ from species to species. Providing the wrong food can make the animal more sick or even kill it.  Native animals should never be given human foods such as bread, weetbix, milk or domestic pet foods. A dehydrated, cold, shocked and unwell animal will not be able to digest food. Please do not force water into an animal's mouth as it will likely inhale it. Don't give a water dish in container as the animal may tip it over, wetting itself or the animal may even drown. Veterinarians and wildlife rehabilitators are trained in how to rehydrate animals, hence the importance of getting the animal professional care sooner rather than later.


RESCUE DETAILS Please record the exact location you found the animal, date, time and any other information you think is relevant. Some species are very territorial and must be returned to that location after rehabilitation.


QUALIFIED CARE Please get the animal to a qualified person as soon as possible, either a vet or wildlife rehabilitator. Delays can be fatal. Don't keep the animal for a few hours or days before calling for help. 


CLICK on any of the follow animals for some more detailed instructions on how to handle and contain intially. 

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